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happened upon artinya

contoh kalimat "happened upon"
  • Mr. Andre, guess who we just happened upon?
    Mr. Andre, Tebak siapa yang baru saja kita hadapi?
  • I happened upon Sylvan's door, unlocked.
    Aku kebetulan ada di depan pintu Sylvan, tak terkunci.
  • There's no way he could've happened upon that information, so
    Mustahil dia bisa tahu soal informasi itu, jadi
  • If I hadn't happened upon you right now
    Andai aku tidak berada di sini
  • Well, by sheer luck, I-I happened upon a very nice tree shrew.
    Karena keberuntungan, terjadi saat tikus unik di pohon.
  • So Bash just happened upon you.
    Jadi Bash baru saja menemuimu.
  • I happened upon some standing stones
    Aku berdiri di depan bebatuan
  • I happened upon one of those magnificent creatures in the Zambezi Valley.
    Aku pernah membunuh hewan cantik itu di Zambezi Loire.
  • Something that would also kill a human if it happened upon one.
    Sesuatu juga membunuh manusia jika sudah pernah terjadi sekali. Wah.
  • I happened upon it.
    Aku terjadi setelah itu.
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